Intellectual Property Box or Patent in Cyprus
If you are an owner of an Intellectual Property asset, you must select the appropriate jurisdiction to establish your business. The factors to consider when making this decision include taxation, legal framework and development prospects in the local business environment.
Cyprus has developed a favourable Intellectual Property jurisdiction, namely the IP Box Regime; also called Patent Box...
IP Box or Intellectual Property Box Regime
Cyprus has always been an attractive location for business activities. Intellectual Property can be one of the most valuable assets of an organization and it is a significant strategic business decision to select the appropriate location for the establishment and management of IP holding companies. The country offers a beneficial tax rate and is also legally supported by the EU Member States...
Cyprus: An Attractive Intellectual Property Destination with Considerable Tax Incentives
Intellectual property is the field area of law that approaches the protection of the rights of the creators of original works. It includes everything, i.e. literature, music, inventions and trademarks. Generally speaking, the main purpose of intellectual property jurisdiction are to endorse the development of new technologies, inventions, arts and promote economic growth and innovation. That...
Naming Your New Business
Having decided to create a new business in Cyprus, one of the first considerations a promoter of that business will have will be what to name the new entity. Whilst the moment at which the new company’s name is conceived can be thrilling, the legal requirements behind a name can too often be overlooked. Approval for any company name is required from the Department of Registrar of Companies and...
Patent Protection
A patent is a right to ownership of an invention granted to the inventor by the government. It allows the patent owner exclusive use of (and the right to license out use of) the invention in return for revealing it to the public domain. In December 1997 Cyprus entered the European Patent Organization (EPO) and became a signatory of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The Department of...
Registering a Trade Mark
A trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator that is used by a business or an individual to distinguish his goods or services from others on the market. The trademark will be unique to that business or individual and will serve to identify the source of the goods and services. A trademark may consist of: words; signs; symbols; logos; pictures; shapes; colours; letters; phrases; designs and...